SOLERs Graduated!


The first batch of master students in SOLE has successfully passed their thesis oral defense and get their master’s degrees. Congratulation to them and wish them all the best for the future.

实验室第一届硕士研究生顺利通过答辩,并获得硕士学位。 祝贺他们,祝愿他们有美好的前程!

The group photo to celebrate the graduation
The group photo to celebrate the graduation
The 2024 graduates and the advisor (from left to right, Prof. Bo Huang, Yuyang Li, Zhaoxi Yu, Xueyu Zhang, Tong-yu Liu, Wenhui Liang, respectively)
The 2024 graduates and the advisor (from left to right, Prof. Bo Huang, Yuyang Li, Zhaoxi Yu, Xueyu Zhang, Tong-yu Liu, Wenhui Liang, respectively)
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